Wednesday, November 28, 2012


What did you say your name was?


James Bond.

I don't know about you but I really think that Daniel Craig is the best 007. He really takes the focus off of the "panty-droppin'" charisma of former Bonds. I mean, we know that Bond can get anyone he wants. Been there, done that, we know. I really feel that Craig (and his writers) make that point with subtle emphasis without it being sex sex sex all the time.

Tyler and I went and had a date-day last week that concluded with Skyfall.

In brief, the newest 007 movie in a lineup of greats begins with our very favorite: the chase scene. 007 is in Istanbul attempting to retrieve a hard drive of sensitive information that leads to an epic scene on top of a train and ends with a hard choice by M and a hard fall by Bond. Bond is believed dead and M is left to deal with the ramifications. Bond resurfaces when news of the information being leaked reaches the place where he has lain in semi-retirement, trying to drown his depression with a nice young lady (whose name we never learn) and lots of booze. He makes his way back to MI6, and the plot thickens as someone from M's past is discovered to be behind everything and Bond is sent on a mission to win the day.

Pretty standard James Bond.

What I love about Skyfall is that it reaches back into the past. In a day and age where the majority of action films are so full of CGI and special effects that the standard human eye has a hard time tracking what's happening and human effort doesn't really factor in any more (Transformers, anyone?), the subtlety, science fiction, and all-around cool factor of old school action movies is crushed under tons of explosions, screaming, and spinning movement.

Bond and M commiserate on how they're going to do the mission "old school" and show the world that just because they've been around the block doesn't mean they're "obsolete."

The Aston Marten DB5 with it's machine gun headlights and ejector seat make an appearance. Bond kicks it old school and makes it — in my book at least — one of the coolest action movies of the year, if not the decade.

Bond delivers as always with twists, turns, and drama. The acting stays strong and the plotline keeps you sane.

See it, but know that unlike times past, the big screen is not the only place you have to see it in order to get the full effect any more.

Though don't be old like Tyler, who as we were leaving the theater said to me, "You know, that was fun, but it would have been better if we'd been at home with the dog and cat and I could have worn my slippers."
