Monday, November 8, 2010


Megamind is a movie about a villain who accidentally succeeds in doing away with his arch-nemesis, Metro Man. After reveling in his glory for a while, he starts to feel something strange: he misses Metroman. Inspiration strikes with a dastardly (and bound-to-fail) plot, and Megamind creates a new arch-nemesis, Titan. However, instead of using his powers for good, Titan sets out to destroy the world, putting Megamind in the position to be good and save it (and get the girl) for the first time in his life.

I went into this movie without knowing the synopsis, which I think is better. It made the movie unpredictable for me, which was great. The downside to many superhero movies these days is the plot is usually cut and dry. Evil guy bad. Evil guy trying to rule/kill the world. Good guy destroys/prevails over evil guy. Good guy gets girl. The end.

Armed with a pretty awesome soundtrack, Megamind does the unpredictable (that is, unless you know the plot, but it's still not your average superhero movie). There are twists and turns that don't show up in many of these movies but of course, the hero gets the girl. However, it's in a really really good way.

I can't tell you or it would ruin it.

Megamind is not particularly inspired or even very deep. It doesn't address any big issues or solve any world problems. It just is what it is. Some of its twisty bits aren't very original, and it doesn't always have a lot of momentum, but it makes up for it with clever scenes and moving moments — or just plain funny ones. It never becomes unbearably slow and it does keep it's slower moments to a minimum time-wise. It won't have you rolling on the floor laughing until your sides ache (for the wrong reasons or the right ones), but it will incite more than a few chuckles.

It may not become movie of the year, but it's a fun movie and worth seeing.

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